Encyclopedia of Chaotic Attractors
The Encyclopedia of Chaotic Attractors contain the highest number of interesting chaotic attractors (in all field of sciences) known in the current literature with their basic properties since 1963 to the end of 2020. The work continue during the period from now to the end of 2020 in order to give more time to all contributors. This encyclopedia provides a single source for understanding chaotic attractors and subject to updating from time to time in its electronic version. Achieving this work is impossible without the concerted efforts of all those working in this field. Any small contribution is an important step to bring this great work to readers. This work will be published by Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical Systems (https://arctbds.com/) in electronic format and by CRC press in printed format. This a collaborative work, meaning that any author working in this field can writte a presentation on its own systems and other systems published in various scientific journals.
More details are in this file Encyclopedia. A template written in text is here.
Zeraoulia Elhadj
∙ All my systems published in scientific journals with many co-authors.
∙ Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical Systems, volumes 1 to 8 (All issues).
∙ Chaos solitons & fractales, volumes 20 to 30 (All issues).
Francisco Balibrea
∙ Journal of Discrete Difference Equations and Applications (All volumes).
Ahmed G. Radwan
∙ All my systems published in scientific journals with many co-authors.
Safieddine Bouali
∙ All my systems published in scientific journals with many co-authors.
Güngör Gündüz
∙ Various systems published in scientific journals.
∙ Various systems published in scientific journals.
James A. Yorke
∙ My system published in: Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 226, 1751–1764 (2017).
J. M. Munoz-Pacheco
. All my systems published in scientific journals with many co-authors.
. Some contributions during the next months and a description of a chaotic attractor we published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals in 2007.
Fabio Dercole
. The first chaotic attractor in long-term evolutionary biology (see F. Dercole, R. Ferriere, S. Rinaldi, Chaotic Red Queen co-evolution in three-species food chains, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, 2321-2330, 2010) and the second chaotic attractor in romantic relationships (see F. Dercole, S. Rinaldi, Love stories can be unpredictable: Jules et Jim in the vortex of life, Chaos 24, 023134, 2014).